Honda Odyssey Owners Manual: Precautions for Opening/Closing the Tailgate

Honda Odyssey Owners Manual / Controls / Opening and Closing the Tailgate / Precautions for Opening/Closing the Tailgate

Always make sure individuals and objects are clear of the tailgate before opening or closing it.

■ Opening the tailgate
• Open the tailgate all the way.> ► If it is not fully opened, the tailgate may begin to close under its own weight.

• Be careful when it is windy. The wind may cause the tailgate to close.

■ Closing the tailgate> Keep the tailgate closed while driving to:> ►Avoid possible damage.> ►Prevent exhaust gas from leaking into the vehicle.

Models with power tailgate

Closing a power tailgate while anyone is in the path of the tailgate can cause serious injury.

Make sure everyone is clear before closing the tailgate.

Be careful not to hit your head on the tailgate or to put your hands between the tailgate and the cargo area.

When operating the power tailgate, make sure there is enough space around your vehicle. People near the tailgate may be seriously hurt if the tailgate hits their head or closes on their heads. Be especially cautious if children are around.

When you are storing or picking up luggage from the cargo area while the engine is idling, do not stand in front of the exhaust pipe. You may get burned.

Do not allow any passenger in the cargo space. They may get hurt during hard braking, a sudden acceleration, or a crash.

    Opening and Closing the Tailgate

    Opening/Closing the Tailgate Using the Tailgate Release Button

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