Honda Odyssey Service Manual: Horizontal Adjustment at the Front

Honda Odyssey Service Manual / Body / Doors and Enclosures / Doors / Horizontal Adjustment at the Front

  1. Adjust the upper roller (A) and the lower roller subbase (B).

    1. Slightly loosen the upper roller bolts (C).

    1. Slightly loosen the lower roller subbase bolts (D) with TORX T40 bit.

    1. Move the door in or out until it is flush with the body.

    1. Tighten all bolts securely.

  2. ABD8 x 1.25 mm30 N·m(3.1 kgf·m, 22 lbf·ft)C8 x 1.25 mm30 N·m(3.1 kgf·m, 22 lbf·ft)
    Vertical Adjustment at the Front

    Vertical and Horizontal Adjustment at the Rear

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